Tuesday, January 29, 2013


The guy in the photo is a salesman for Kolbe & Kolbe who owns a cabin up in Woodruff, WI.

Wouldn't that cause the ole ticker to kick up a notch if it appeared in your path while out for an evening in the forest!?
This is not a bear, it's a 182 lb. wolf killed near Woodrufff, WI. I'll call it a "Bearwolf"



  1. funny.....something awesome comes along and....gets killed.....probably who ever took the shot, is patting himself on the shoulder now.......and yes.....who ever shot that wolf, i would not want to run into him, while taking a walk in the woods.

    1. Yes but humans are now freer to pursue happiness. He should be patting himself on the shoulder he may have saved human lives. A dire wolf is dangerous to all.

    2. Stop hugging that tree and be thankful you are not a livestock owner in the area.
