Friday, June 17, 2011

Crop Tour Sponsor Update

Grower Host- Vogel Farms, Perry Township

"Buy land, they aren't making it anymore."

Nits aside, the real problem with the quotation is its misuse. It may justify the desire to acquire land; it doesn't justify paying too much for it.
As seen on DTN Morning Snapshot

Our Reply: Good Article by Urban Lehner, to read click here.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Keep Sending Those Barn Quilts!

Another Day of Fear in the Markets

Grain and oilseed prices showed signs of bouncing late Wednesday when the Greek Premier offered to resign if his opponents would agree to needed spending cuts. Grain prices continued to rise early in the overnight session, but then were pulled lower with most other commodity and equity markets as fear returned to the financial world.

Investors took the premier's resignation offer as a panic response, suggesting that the situation was out of hand.

 As seen on Daily Farm Futures Email Blast

Crop Tour Sponsor Update

Grower Host- Rick Johnson, Liberty Township

Our Reply: Thank You Rick for sponsoring and agreeing to help measure on the 20th!

Crop Tour Sponsor Update

Grower Host- Randy Ratchford, Homer Township

Our Reply: Thanks Randy!

Higher opens for hogs, cattle futures

Lean Hogs are expected to start the day session steady to 20 cents higher, Brugler Marketing said Thursday morning.

Cattle futures are called 10 to 25 cents higher this morning.

As Seen on

Buchanan County Crop Tour

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sale Toppers

Fat Heifers-

$112.00 / 1215 lbs (1 hd) - John W. Even of Fairbank
As seen on Waverly Auction Company Website

Interest Rates

According to The Kiplinger Letter... "Lending rates will remain in a comfortable zone for some time with the Prime being no higher than 4.5% by 2013.

Our Reply: Prime rate today is 3.25%, so it looks like rates will remain favorable if your borrowing and stink if you got the CASH!

Plan to Eliminate Blenders' Credit Fails

Senators from ethanol-producing states were able to fend off the attack, and argued that, unlike the oil industry, the ethanol industry realizes changes are needed and is willing to work on those issues.

"We are going to see a change in the federal support for ethanol," said Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., on the Senate floor. "The time to do it is not in the middle of the year." As seen on


Inch and 3 tenths at our farm this morning... From Jason Orr

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011

Visitors- Last 30 Days

SOLO 401K's

If your a farmer without any employees other than family, you're eligible to contribute amounts up to $60,000 annually to your own Solo 401k.

In the world of high corn prices and record incomes, this may be a solution to lowering your taxable income without using deprecation on piece of machinery that you may not need!

Contact Pete at 319-327-0806 or and he'll put you in touch with someone who can help by explaining the details and reviewing your situation.

Weather Radar

Thoughts on the Markets

In the end, we will likely see final planted corn acreage between 89.5 and 90 million acres, down from USDA's March 31 estimate of 92.2 million. The national average yield must increase by 2 bushels per acre to offset each million acres that go unplanted, just to maintain stocks at a tight level in the year ahead. As Seen on Farm Futures Daily Email Blast

Soybean prices are consolidating in a relatively tight range around $14. Prices could go $2 either way of current levels in the months ahead depending on perceptions about this year's crop and China's ability to jump-start demand once again. As Seen on Farm Futuers Daily Email Blast

2011 Buchanan County Summer Crop Tour